Karedok Homemade. Is a raw vegetable salad in peanut sauce from West Java, Indonesia. It's one of the Sundanese signature dish. This Indonesian salad is very easy and super healthy! #salad #saladcontest Australian Gourmet Traveller recipe for Karedok.
The most common vegetables in karedok include cucumbers, cabbage, green beans, Thai basil, bean sprouts, and eggplant, however, other vegetables can be. Rinse all the vegetables in warm water, then drain. So this salad is a 'village salad' from the mountains of Java. Anda dapat Menghidangkan Karedok Homemade dengan menggunakan 13 bahan dan 6 langkahnya. Beginilah cara masaknya.
Bahan-bahannya adalah Karedok Homemade
- Kamu siapkan dari timun.
- Kamu dapat dari kol putih.
- Kamu dapat dari Bumbu ulek.
- Kamu siapkan dari kacang mateng.
- Kamu dapat dari cabe rawit (sangrai).
- Kamu dapat dari kencur (sangrai).
- Kamu bisa dari bawang merah (sangrai).
- Kamu siapkan dari bawang putih (sangrai).
- Kamu bisa dari garam.
- Kamu siapkan dari gula pasir.
- Kamu dapat dari Bahan tambahan.
- Kamu siapkan dari Air.
- Kamu bisa dari Kecap kental manis.
This easy recipe is really fresh, the raw vegetables gives a crunchy taste, so does the peanut sauce. Karedok made with ingredients such as raw vegetables; cucumber, bean sprouts, cabbage, green beans, basil, and eggplant. While the sauce is peanut sauce made from red peppers, garlic, kencur, peanuts, tamarind water, sugar, salt, and shrimp paste. The cuisine is very unique because of all… Karedok is a raw vegetable salad in peanut sauce from West Java, Indonesia.
Karedok Homemade instruksinya
- Siapkan bahan2nya...
- Haluskan semua bumbu ulek, masukkan air sedikit aja karena nanti timun akan berair..
- Tambahkan kecap kental manis (sesuai selera)..
- Haluskan sampai merata..
- Masukkan timun dan wortel yg sudah dipotong2 tipis secara bergantian (ini krn cobetnya kecil ya moms 🤭)..
- Sajikan dengan cinta 🥰.
It is one of the Sundanese signature dish. It originally included cucumbers, bean sprouts, cabbage, legumes, Thai basil, and small green eggplant, covered in peanut sauce dressing, but there are now many variations. It is very similar to gado-gado, except all the vegetables are raw, while most of gado-gado vegetables are. Indonesia has so many traditional healthy vegetable recipes, one of them is Karedok. In this time, Martin Natadipradja would share a typical vegetable recipe from West Java.