Sabtu, 20 Februari 2021

Resep: Lezatos Coconut Ladoo (manisan india)

Coconut Ladoo (manisan india). Combine coconut and cardamom in a pan over medium heat. If you want to make a ladoo with sugar, please search coconut ladoo with sugar recipe. It will involve making sugar syrup and then making ladoo.

Coconut Ladoo (manisan india) But frankly who needs a reason to enjoy a delicious Indian. Coconut ladoo are traditional Indian sweet balls made with coconut, cardamom powder, a sweetener & milk (optional). We make these for most festivals and occasions as they taste delicious and are easy to make. Anda dapat Menghidangkan Coconut Ladoo (manisan india) dengan menggunakan 6 bahan dan 6 langkahnya. Begini metode masaknya.

Bahan-bahannya adalah Coconut Ladoo (manisan india)

  1. Kamu bisa 1 buah dari kelapa parut.
  2. Kamu siapkan 600 ml dari susu cair plain.
  3. Kamu siapkan 120 gr dari susu kental manis putih.
  4. Kamu dapat 4 sdm dari gula pasir.
  5. Kamu bisa dari Topping :.
  6. Kamu siapkan 4 sdm dari susu bubur.

Grease you hand, make small coconut ladoo balls and roll. Advertisement An excellent example of this is the Coconut Ladoo. Not only does this easy variety has close to a dozen styles of making it, the oldest form called the Narayl Nakru in South dates back to the time of the Chola Empire when it was a sweet that was packed for travelers and warriors as a symbol of good luck for their expeditions. This is an easy recipe, gets done quickly and can be made even by a newbie in cooking.

Coconut Ladoo (manisan india) langkah-langkah

  1. Rebus susu sampai hangat.
  2. Campurkan kelapa dan susu kental manis. Aduk teruk sampai mendidih.
  3. Masukkan gula pasir. Aduk terus sampai agak kering dan menggumpal-gumpal.
  4. Angkat dan sisihkan di wadah. Tunggu sampai dingin.
  5. Bentuk bulat sesuai selera lalu gulingkan di susu bubuk di semua sisi.
  6. Jadi deh selamat makannn😋.

Coconut Ladoo also known as Nariyal ladoo is easy to make with basic ingredients which include desiccated coconut, milk and sugar by easy steps. A Coconut ladoo is a famous Indian Sweet recipe for any festive occasion especially in Diwali, Navratri, Ganesh Chaturthi, etc. Coconut ladoos are a rich, sweet dessert-snack. This is made for many festive occasions. Coconut laddoo is a very simple and easy recipe to make.

